Vanessa M. Jones, Anthony J. Frengel are engaged, to wed in mid-August

XLIBERTY TOWNSHIP -- Rheuben C. and Merrel D. Jones, 496 E. Montrose Ave., are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Vanessa M. Jones of the same address, and Anthony J. Frengel, 4522 Euclid Blvd., Boardman.
Parents of the future groom are Daniel J. and Dara Frengel, 437 Meadowbrook S.E., Warren.
The bride-elect serves as community liaison with Belmont Pines Hospital, and is pursuing a master's degree in counseling at Youngstown State University.
Her fiance, a therapist for juvenile sex offenders with Act I Residential Treatment Center in Akron, is also pursuing a master's degree in counseling at YSU.
The couple will extend invitations for the wedding they have planned for 3 p.m. Aug. 16 at First Christian Assembly and for an evening reception at the Holiday Inn MetroPlex.

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