One-stop Vegas source
One-stop Vegas source
For visitors who don't want to gamble on finding hotel, flight or restaurant deals in Las Vegas, a new one-stop online source,, offers information on everything from where to find lodging at less than $50 a night to booking shows.
Liverpool is up for titleas a Capital of Culture
Liverpool has more culture than The Beatles to offer, according to British culture gurus.
The city was nominated as European Capital of Culture for 2008.
A European Union program calls for member states to take turns nominating a Capital of Culture.
Liverpool was picked over rival bidders Oxford, Bristol, Birmingham, Cardiff and Newcastle-Gateshead.
Liverpool, which suffered a severe loss of industries and jobs over the last half-century, has resurfaced as a creative arts center with many of the abandoned docks redeveloped as studios and shops.
Treasure Island to replaceshow's pirates with sirens
Forget family-friendly. Las Vegas' Treasure Island's pirate battles will soon be replaced by a sexy, adult Broadway-caliber show with a Caribbean feel.
The new show, "The Sirens of Treasure Island," will maintain the ships and pyrotechnics, but will also add female cast members and sexy dancing.
The new show is slated to begin Oct. 26.
The current production's last shows will run July 6.
Plans also include a full transformation of the property's marquee and exterior to a hip spot.
Garbage cans on routeare resistant to wildlife
Visitors following the Lewis and Clark Trail this summer won't find bears foraging in garbage from Lolo Pass west down the Lochsa River near Missoula, Mont.
Two national environmental groups and the National Forest Foundation have purchased 31 wildlife-resistant garbage cans for the visitor centers, campgrounds and trailheads along this portion of the explorers' route, now a part of U.S. Highway 12 on the Montana-Idaho border.
Black bears are abundant in the area and will lose their natural fear of humans if they can feast in trash cans.
The wildlife-resistant ones have latches and lids that prevent bears from opening them to access garbage.
Have a blast watchingKennedy rocket launches
Despite the moratorium on space shuttle flights, travelers can still watch a rocket take off for the skies.
Here's the launch schedule at the Kennedy Space Center Visitors Complex in Florida: Wednesday, Delta 2-Mars Rover B; July 1, Delta 4; July 17, Atlas 5; July 24, Delta 2; Aug. 27, Delta 2; Sept. 15, Titan 4B; Sept. 23, Delta 4; Oct. 7, Atlas 3; Dec. 5, Delta 2.
If you're set on seeing a launch, keep your schedule flexible -- they are often delayed because of weather.
For more information, call (321) 449-4444 or visit on the Web.
If you enjoy crunch time,try out bikini boot camp
So you are determined to get into shape. Pack your bikini (or trunks) and head to boot camp. The Amansala resort in Tulum, Mexico, offers six-day and four-day bikini boot camps, limited to 13 women and men.
Days start with a beach power-walk followed by body sculpting, power abs sessions and pilates, and end with yoga and meditation. In between, excursions are offered to Mayan ruins and to the nearby jungle for swimming and snorkeling.
Or stay behind for beachside massages, tribal drumming and Mayan clay treatments.
The low-fat diet consists of local chemical-free food. The six-night camp is $1,475.
For more information, visit on the Web.