Gilmores honored at dinner party held in celebration of golden event

XBOARDMAN -- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilmore, 391 Melbourne Ave., were guests of honor during a dinner party June 13 at the Youngstown Club in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary.
Hosts for the event were the honorees' children and their spouses, John and Maraline Gilmore of Boardman and Cindy and Ed Cappitte of New Waterford. The family circle also includes another daughter, Debbie Christmas of Austintown, and five grandchildren.
The former Phyllis Mills and Mr. Gilmore were married June 2, 1953, at St. Charles Church. They are members there.
Mr. Gilmore retired in 1995 as night custodian at Robinwood Elementary School in Boardman School District. He was an accountant at Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. and retired in 1979. He also was a Junior Achievement adviser and served in the U.S. Air Force.

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