Cheryl Krieger, Mr. Wartenberg set August rite

XBOARDMAN -- The engagement of Cheryl Lynn Krieger, 4117 Shelby Road, and David George Wartenberg, 6405 W. Irma Lane, Glendale, Ariz., is being announced by the bride-to-be's mother, Evy Krieger of the Shelby Road address.
The future groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wartenberg, 7101 Beardsley, Glendale. The bride-elect also is a daughter of the late William Krieger.
Miss Krieger is a nursing-home administrator with MultiCare Management in Cleveland. She earned a bachelor's degree at Youngstown State University.
Mr. Wartenberg, who has a degree in aviation, is a pilot and captain with America West Airlines in Phoenix.
Invitations will be issued for the couple's wedding to take place at 1 p.m. Aug. 1 at First Covenant Church. An afternoon reception, also by invitation, will be held at Tippecanoe Country Club in Canfield.

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