Youngstown council views
The Youngstown charter review commission heard from two council members Wednesday. The members commented largely on the topics addressed earlier this month by a majority of council, which included talk of making council members full-time and paying them $40,000 or more a year:
Ron Sefcik, D-4th, supports having four or five full-time council members elected from the city at large instead of wards.
He suggested pay ranging from $30,000 to $35,000 and eliminating paid council aides, who make $26,219 a year.
He advocated keeping term limits.
He supports political parties' filling vacant council seats, not council members themselves.
Michael Rapovy, D-5th, supports keeping seven city wards and keeping the position part-time at current pay. Council members make $600 a year and have paid aides, usually family members.
He supports eliminating term limits.
He supports council's filling vacancies, not political parties.