4-year-old boy drives into neighbor's garage

4-year-old boy drivesinto neighbor's garage
CAMPBELL-- Four-year-old Mychael Claytor grabbed the keys to his grandfather's Ford Crown Victoria on Monday night, started it and drove it across the street into a neighbor's garage, pushing the neighbor's Chevrolet Corsica out the back of the garage, police reports show.
Mercedes Bryant of Penhale Avenue in Campbell told police she was visiting with a neighbor when her son got the keys to her father's car from inside her home.
When police arrived, the Corsica, belonging to Henry Merrell, was behind the garage and the Crown Victoria was in the garage, the report states. Damage was also done to Merrell's back porch.
Mount Carmel Societyplans bike nights
LOWELLVILLE -- The Mount Carmel Society will host bike nights July 3 and Sept. 4 at its festival grounds in honor of Harley-Davidson's 100th anniversary.
The events, sponsored by Harley-Davidson of Youngstown and Miller Lite, are part of the Century Tour of the Valley and will feature bike games, giveaways and prizes.
The Century Tour takes place at nine locations and runs through Sept. 25.
"We're hoping to get between 500 and 2,000 bikes, depending on the weather," said Bob Pallozzi, who is coordinating the event.
Festivities will run from 5 to 11 p.m. and are free and open to everyone, Harley owners or not, Pallozzi added.
More information and the complete Century Tour schedule are available at Harley-Davidson of Youngstown.
Gun violence grant
YOUNGSTOWN -- Mahoning County received a $246,500 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice toward a program to reduce gun violence in the county, said U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan of Niles, D-17th.
The grant will pay for one full-time juvenile gun prosecutor and one full-time gun investigator in the county prosecutor's office. The juvenile gun prosecutor will pursue cases involving suppliers of firearms to minors and young adults. The grant will enable the county prosecutor's office to conduct traces on all firearms confiscated during juvenile offenses, and to take action against illegal gun suppliers to minors.
Employee is chargedin Slovak Club theft
FARRELL, Pa. -- Police have charged an employee of the Slovak Club at 800 Spearman Ave. with stealing money from the fraternal organization.
Shauna L. Vukovich, 24, of Wallis Avenue, a bartender at the club, is accused of taking money from a security box on various occasions over the past three months.
She was arrested at the club at 12:43 a.m. Tuesday and arraigned before District Justice Henry Russo on charges of theft, conspiracy and receiving stolen property. Russo freed her on her own recognizance pending a preliminary hearing at a later date.
Police said they didn't have an accurate count on how much money is missing. They also said other arrests are expected in the investigation.
Antique car show coming
LIBERTY -- Liberty Arms Assisted Living Residence and Mahoning Valley Olde Car Club will host their annual public antique car show from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday in the Liberty Arms' parking lot, 1353 Church Hill-Hubbard Road.
There will also be a lawn concert from 2 to 3 p.m. featuring Donna Wolfe, who will perform sing-a-longs and patriotic music.
Call (330) 759-2893.
Salem service directorgets new authority
SALEM -- City council authorized Service Director Joe Julian to negotiate for rights-of-way for a street extension project.
The authority, granted Tuesday by council, pertains to a $1.3 million undertaking that will include lengthening Bentley Drive to Continental Drive on the city's east side.
Work is to start later this summer, Julian said.
Prenegotiations with the property owners involved indicate there will be no problem buying the rights-of-way, Julian said.

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