YOUNGSTOWN COUNCIL Inspectors get power to fine

Skateboard riders have caused concern for pedestrians near YSU.
YOUNGSTOWN -- City council has given housing inspectors the power to fine owners of properties in disrepair without taking them to court.
On Monday, council unanimously approved the resolution, which is designed to reduce the number of issues put before the court.
The resolution, which goes into effect immediately, also increases penalties for property owners who violate the city's property maintenance code.
New rules
In other action at its last scheduled meeting before summer recess, council also modified laws about skateboards, in-line skates, roller skates and scooters.
The ordinance prohibits skateboards, skates and scooters on sidewalks and public parking areas within 1 mile of downtown and where signs prohibiting them are posted.
Those using such devices must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians at all times and must stop or dismount if passing the pedestrians could cause them injury or "reasonable fear."
Riders are also required to dismount their skateboards or scooters when crossing streets and must wear reflective vests, sashes or tape from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise and at all other times when there is insufficient light to clearly see people from 300 feet away.
"What we wanted to do was establish a guideline" for skateboard riders, skaters and scooter riders, said Artis Gillam Sr., D-1st, safety committee chairman. The area around Youngstown State University has caused some concern with pedestrians being knocked down and calling the city to complain, he explained.

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