HELOISE Always carry emergency information

Dear Heloise: I just read your column regarding walkers/joggers carrying ID with them.
As an emergency-room nurse, that information will be helpful, but I would like everyone to carry other useful information: their name, birth date, what medications they are on -- listing names and doses -- allergies, health history (if they have any questions about this, they can contact their physicians; there are common abbreviations that can be used), next of kin and phone numbers. Everyone should carry this information, for many times an individual in an emergency situation cannot speak. I carry this information on a business-size card behind my driver's license in my wallet. Plus, I make it a habit to review this information every Jan. 1. K.B., via e-mail
Dear Heloise: I read an item about a telephone card that couldn't be activated. Always look on the cash-register receipt to see that the card was activated when swiped by the clerk. You can even check the numbers on the receipt and on the card. Sometimes they don't punch in the right code or whatever, and it doesn't get activated. Then, as a safety measure, go out and use the card right away while the receipt is still available. Susan, The Woodlands, Texas
Different types of calling cards abound. So, check with the cashier at the place where you're buying yours to see what your options are if the card doesn't work. And I agree with Susan's idea about using the card right away. Heloise
Dear Heloise: When my husband and I finish painting a room, we fill a small baby-food jar with the paint and put it aside for touch-ups later. I carefully lay a piece of plastic wrap on the paint; this keeps the air from drying the top and forming a skin. Before the next project, I simply lift off the plastic wrap and mix the paint as usual. Mary Kay Stickel, Mount Pleasant, Pa.
Dear Heloise: This is a great hint that I discovered by accident: To remove the leftover glue after a sticker is removed, rub briskly with a dry lotion tissue. This really does work amazingly well on all types of dry glue and sticker residue. I've used this method on all types of surfaces, and the only one that didn't work well was a clay flowerpot -- every other surface cleaned up great! Peggy Busby, via e-mail
Dear Heloise: A co-worker-friend of mine has a lot of shoes. Instead of having to look or read the box to figure out what's inside, she took a picture of each shoe with her digital camera, printed it out and affixed it to the box. It's now easy for her to see what style and color the shoe is. Because of the similar colors of shoes, she has marked the color on the box for certainty when she gets it out for a sure match with her outfit. Ann Hardin, via e-mail
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