h Delve into nature art with new project book

h Delve into nature artwith new project book
Many a child has pressed autumn leaves between sheets of waxed paper or smeared pine cones with peanut butter to make bird treats. "Nature's Art Box" takes nature crafts to a more creative level.
The book offers 65 projects using objects found in the outdoors, in combination with common craft supplies such as glue and string. The projects range in skill level from easy to challenging, and many are sophisticated enough to appeal even to adults -- buttons made from seashells, for example, and stationery printed with leaves.
Additionally, author Laura C. Martin urges children to respect nature and includes a section on nature skills that teaches them to identify the plants and other natural materials they can use for crafting.
"Nature's Art Box" is published by Storey Books. The paperback book is priced at $16.95.
Pine-Sol product aimsfor cleaner mop water
Mop water can get pretty nasty when you're washing a floor. And that's supposed to be the clean water.
A new type of Pine-Sol with a mouthful of a name is designed to keep the mop water cleaner. The product, "Don't Mop With Dirty Water Again!" Pine-Sol, uses a formula that separates solids from liquids so the dirt particles collect together and settle to the bottom of the bucket.
The cleaner is available in Lemon Fresh, Rain Clean, Meadow Fresh and Orange Energy scents. It's sold in 28-, 48- and 64-ounce packages at suggested retail prices of $2.19, $3.29 and $3.99, respectively.

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