DETORE TRIAL Juror questionnaire

Potential jurors in the Richard E. Detore bribery trial were given this questionnaire to fill out this morning.
Have you heard anything about James A. Traficant Jr.'s case and if so, what and from whom?
Do you believe Traficant is innocent of the charges of which he was convicted?
Do you believe Traficant was framed or conspired against by the federal, state or local government?
Do you know any members of the J.J. Cafaro or Anthony Cafaro families?
Have you worked for any company of which the Cafaros have an interest? Have you seen anything on television, heard anything on the radio, or read anything in any print publication about this case or the case involving Traficant?
Have you seen or heard any television or radio program about this case or Traficant's case?
Have you formed any opinion, firm or tentative, about whether Detore is guilty or not guilty?
Do you have any positive or negative opinions regarding the government?
Source: Detore trial juror questionnaire

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