MiniPage Teacher's Guide

MiniPage Teacher's Guide
MiniPage activities meet many state and national educational standards. This week's standards: Pupils understand the characteristics of animals. (Science: Life Science) Pupils understand the interaction of animals and the environment. (Science: Life Science)
1. Make a set of dog trading cards. Draw a picture of a dog on a card. Write information about the dog on the back of the card. You might draw pictures of different kinds of dogs. You might make cards of the dogs that belong to your family or friends.
2. Look through the newspaper for three stories that show situations where dogs could be helpful. How could the dogs be helpful? Then find three different items that you could use to play with a dog.
3. How do these canine characteristics enable dogs to help people: (a) excellent hearing, (b) keen sense of smell, (c) good vision and (d) strength?
4. A famous quote is, "A dog is man's best friend." Write a short essay about the quote. Share your writing with family members and friends. What do they think about dogs? Do they agree with the quote?
5. Use reference books and the Internet to learn more about dogs. Select a breed that interests you. Use these questions to guide your research: Where did the breed originate? How was it used historically? How did the dog's characteristics contribute to the ways people used the dog? How popular is the breed today?