Balloon, balloon floating to the moon,
Soon, soon it will cone down at noon.
Up in the moon sleeping in its cocoon,
Balloon will come at noon and that is soon.
Kevin White
Grade Two
Dobbins Elementary
Spring is when butterflies fly around.
People play in the park with their friends.
Roses start to bloom all over people's gardens.
I like running all over fields during spring.
Nothing is better than a picnic in spring.
Gardens are more beautiful than ever.
Nace Allen
Age 11
Akiva Academy
Colors Galore
Colors, colors in the air
Colors, colors everywhere
I see colors in my room,
Colors spinning in a vacuum.
Green like a chalk board,
White like a chalk,
Gray and black, the colors of rocks.
Kyle Jones
Grade 4
Mary Haddow Elementary
X KIDS: Please don't write poems longer than 50 words. Be sure your teacher or a parent signs your entry so we know you thought it up yourself. We'll need that adult's address and phone number -- just for verification, not for publication. You must be 12 or under. Print your name, grade, school and address clearly on your poem. Send it to MiniPage Billboard, in care of The Vindicator.