Michelle Christmas and Chris Jones to be married in park meeting house
XCANFIELD -- Announced by Debbie and John Christmas, 2862 S. Turner Road, are plans for the spring wedding of their daughter, Michelle Christmas, and Chris Jones, both of 5137 South Ave., Boardman.
Parents of the future groom are Jo Jones, 7138 Vineland Place, Boardman, and Charles Jones, 5025 Fort Park Place, Boardman.
The couple have chosen St. James Meeting House in Boardman Township Park for their wedding at 2 p.m. May 17. They will extend invitations for the ceremony and also for an evening reception at The Elm Tree, Struthers.
Miss Christmas is a graphic designer with Meridian Arts and Graphics in Liberty. Her fiance is a parts manager with Fyda Freightliner, Austintown.