Mini Page Teacher's Guide

Mini Page Teacher's Guide
Mini Page activities meet many state and national educational standards. This week's standards: Pupils identify works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times and places. (Visual Arts) Pupils understand how an artist's experiences influence the development of specific artworks. (Visual Arts) Activities:
1. Draw a picture of a scene you can see from where you live. What does the scene tell about the area of the country in which you live?
2. Find a story in the newspaper that would make a good subject for a painting. Why did you choose this particular story?
3. How was Grant Wood's art influenced by each of these elements in his life: (a) his early drawing tools, (b) his home, (c) his school and (d) his trips to Europe?
4. Look in the newspaper for examples of these elements that reflect your region of the country: climate, environment, buildings, jobs, professions. How is your region different from other regions of the country?
5. Use reference books and the Internet to learn more about Regionalism in art. Use these questions to guide your research: When was Regionalism most popular? Who were famous artists from the Regionalism movement? What kind of scenes were the subjects of Regionalist artists? What artists come from your region? How does their art reflect your community?