GREENVILLE | Posts for residents Borough council president Richard S. Houpt said the town needs some residents' help. Here are some of the openings on various borough commissions and boards and

Historical architectural review board: Will review renovation requests for property in the National Historic District.Shade tree commission: Will plant, remove, maintain and protect shade trees along the streets and highways in the borough.Vacancy board: Will seek qualified candidates to fill vacant positions on all other boards, committees, commissions and authorities within the borough.Greenville Municipal Authority: Governs operations of the water plant.
Sanitary authority: Governs operations of the sewage plant.Historical commission: Maintains archives, historical commemorations and catalogs and prepares artifacts for display.Code board of appeals: Hears and acts upon appeals for variations of the borough building and zoning codes.Assistant code and zoning officer: Issues permits for building, repair or remodeling; responds to complaints of code or zoning violations.Planning commission: Designs and helps implement long-term improvement plans for the borough.Greenville Area Leisure Services Association Board: Oversees Riverside Park and the Greenville Area Sports Complex.For more information on how to apply for any of these positions, contact the borough office at (724) 588-4193.