Ten Campbell mailboxes will be removed

CAMPBELL -- The post office will remove almost half of the mail collection boxes in the city and may relocate those that remain.
According to Jim Corvino, postmaster, 10 of the city's 24 collection boxes receive fewer than 10 pieces of mail each day. Because they are used so little, these collection boxes will be removed.
Locations of the 14 remaining collection boxes will be reviewed, he said, and some of those may be relocated to areas where they will better serve customers. Old and rusted collection boxes that remain will be replaced, he added.
Collection boxes to be removed are located at:
UTremble Avenue and 12th Street
UPenhale Avenue and 12th Street
UBright Avenue and 13th Street
UCoitsville Road and 12th Street
UCoitsville Road and Woodland
UCourtland and Van Buren avenues
UDevitt Avenue and 13th Street
UJackson Street and Maryknoll Avenue
UChamber Street and Robinson Road
UTremble Avenue and 15th Street
Because several communities are reducing the number of collection boxes, causing a backlog of work for those who pick up the boxes, Corvino said he is unsure when the boxes will be removed. Mail will continue to be collected from all sites as long as the collection boxes are in place.