Israel should not give up land promised in Bible

Israel should not give up land promised in Bible
A March 17 Associated Press article indicates the Saudis' opposition to action on Iraq.
We all should realize by now that the Middle East Arab nations like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Egypt, Iraq and even Saudi Arabia support the liberation of Palestine, which they say remains a matter of sacred Muslim honor to the Arabs.
No wonder the Saudis are utilizing the peace initiative -- so Israel can give up the land seized in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
From 4,000 years ago until now, there still remains an intense hatred for the Jewish people. The United States has no alternative but to agree with Saudi Prince Abdullah's peace initiative unless we want the threats of economic reprisals looming over our heads, possibly an oil embargo.
By no means should Israel give up any land it seized. It was theirs to begin with. Remember the promised land in the Bible?
The only hope for peace in the Middle East is not only for mankind to resolve issues on its own but to open eyes, minds, hearts and soul to the Bible. There lies the answer to past, present and future human events. Nations can rant, scream, kill and wave their fists in defiance, but they all will meet their end someday. Judgment Day will either bring peace or terror for all eternity.
Don't send money away; it's needed right here
One often hears complaints about foreign aid. The standard line is basically, "We have people right here in need." We wonder why our government spends all that aid money. And when we find out the bulk of the money never got to the people it was intended for, then we are really torqued.
However, many of us give foreign aid. We contribute to causes. We get the picture of the starving children somewhere or the cute little orphaned animal, and we can't send a check fast enough. But how much research do we do before parting with our money?
I read last week that $350,000 was raised for the Kabul Zoo. It turns out the Kabul Zoo doesn't need the money, which is going to be held in trust in banks in the United States, Britain and Switzerland.
What annoys me is we have a local animal sanctuary that really does need money: Noah's Lost Ark. Noah's should send out the pretty pathetic pictures they have.
Noah's is located in Berlin Center and is open to the public from May through October, so you can see what your money is doing. Two people, a part-time worker and a few volunteers take care of more than 125 animals including about 20 large cats. I have been involved in helping at Noah's for over a year now.
To learn more check out the web site, which is also done by a volunteer.
We have an amazing place in our own backyard that really does need help. I would urge anyone with an animal interest to check its website and visit this summer.
Stiffer sentences needed
It is refreshing to learn we have a judge who isn't afraid to send a message. Beat and rob defenseless elderly people, get caught and come to my court -- you will go to jail for a long time. I'm not sure if 85 years is long enough. I support Judge Krichbaum's sentence and wish there were more judges with guts like his.