Yo-Mah-O Chapter plans April event

BOARDMAN -- Yo-Mah-O chapter, International Association of Administrative Professionals, is inviting all business personnel, education teachers and student to its Administrative Professional Day and Executive Night to be held April 24 at Antone's Banquet Centre.
A social hour will begin the festivities at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 6. The theme will be "Together We Stand."
The program: Guest speaker will be Margaret "Sis" Soller, who will present "Erma and Other Fun Stuff," a tribute to Erma Bombeck. There also will be a presentation of the 2002 chapter member and executive of the year.
Roseann DeSimone Cullen is chairman of the committee for Administrative Professionals Day, and Mary Mislay Hake is chairman of the Executive Night committee.
Cost is $25 per person, and reservations must be made by April 12. Checks payable to the chapter should be mailed to Marie C. Sammartino, 7450 E. Huntington Drive, Unit 1, Youngstown, Ohio 44512. Specify a dinner choice of baked stuffed pork chops with scalloped potatoes or chicken parmagiana with pasta.
For information call (330) 758-5710 or visit the Web site at www.cisnet/com/yomahoiaap.