XThe annual picnic and flower show are planned for members of Hubbard Junior. Hostess will be Eileen Sheridan.
XMembers of East Liverpool-Calcutta will meet at the home of Martha Bentz. A social time will begin at 11 a.m., and lunch is planned for noon. Members of the hostess committee with Jean Chinander as chairwoman are Sharon Anderson, Joyce Bell, Mrs. Bentz, Alice Brosius, Christal Burns, Donna Campbell, Gini Jackson, Margy Jacob, Elli Rinko and Jane Zimmerman. Sally Braham and Susie Cochran will be in charge of the program, and Robert Smith will give a talk on "Ornamental Grasses."
XThe Men's Garden Club of Youngstown will hold a steak fry for members and guests at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 7 at Boardman Township Park Chester Long Pavilion. The cost is $10. Participants should take their own table service. Reservations should be made with George Hoover, 7151 Indian Trail, Poland, Ohio 44514. The regular meeting will be at 7:30 at the pavilion. Rodney Toth will present a program, "Horticultural Show." For information call Toth at (330) 759-1993.
XGarden club events are published Sundays. The deadline is noon Thursday.