BOOK REVIEW Inspiring paperback helps readers start cruisin' in life

A motivational book provides readers with inspirational, test-driven, roadworthy advice.
"Cruisin' Through Life at 35 m.p.h.," by Brian Blasko (Finish Line Publishing, Inc., $14.95).
"Life is a journey ... enjoy the ride." This is the philosophy of Brian Blasko, who does his best to smooth out the rough spots along the way by presenting a wealth of tension-relieving advice in his engrossing book, "Cruisin' through Life at 35 m.p.h."
In his thought-provoking paperback, Blasko, a highly regarded motivational consultant who lives in Youngstown with his wife, Laura, and their dog, Sasko, cunningly puts readers in the driver's seat with his inspiring montage of helpful hints and personal experiences.
"Creating happiness in your professional and personal life is up to you," admonishes Blasko, who points out that the key to keeping one's internal engine running smoothly is to start out with a full tank of self-esteem.
And while it is wise to have a basic road map to follow, he advises "motorists" to also be aware of personal road signs that will alert them to what they should do or not do.
Blasko also says it is possible to safely reach one's preferred destination in life if each follows a D.R.I.V.E.R. technique he has conceived. He explains the meaning of each letter in the technique and shows how the ideas, when put into practice, make traveling the road of life a little easier.
Orange barrels
Despite careful planning, however, Blasko notes that along the way there may be unforeseen obstacles or orange barrels that require a detour. Instead of being frustrated by the change in plans, he says that we "should not question why they are there, but instead, ask ourselves, how can we get around them?" Surprisingly, one may find that an unexpected detour will provide an opportunity to explore new ways and may become an enjoyable experience.
Disappointments and troubles one encounters while traveling through life should be treated only as minor distractions, according to Blasko.
"Cruisin' Through life at 35 m.p.h." is designed to convince readers that we should not go racing along at a high rate of speed. In the book, Blasko suggests that "motorists" should stop, look and listen as they did as youngsters. Too often as we grow older, we merely "slow down, glance and go," he says.
Enjoy the day
Blasko reminds readers to enjoy each day, instead of looking in the rearview mirror: "The past is history, the future is a mystery, today is a gift, and that's why it's called the present."
He suggests that "drivers" should take time for personal pit stops and oil changes in order to get a fresh perspective on life. "Mapping your life's destination is an ongoing process. However, many people become so consumed with their future that they forget to live in the present," he says.
Blasko admonishes readers to "use what you have to the best of your abilities, and don't sweat what you don't have," a message he himself learned from a blind man.
In summing up his absorbing list of helpful hints, he advises readers to stay creative, to take the road less traveled more often, and to enjoy life to its fullest.
Although a little "preachy," Blasko's handy paperback is no forgettable novel. Instead, it is a thought-provoking book that motivates readers to get going and to do something interesting with their lives while "Cruisin' through Life at 35 m.p.h."