Why a special prosecutor for Enron, but not Clinton?

Why a special prosecutor for Enron, but not Clinton?
I am amazed to read that you support the establishment of an independent counsel to investigate the Enron debacle.
Is this the same editorial staff that called for the dissolution of the independent counsel during the Clinton administration's Whitewater proceedings? You have fallen in with the petty, short-sighted vengeful Democratic Party. It was predicted that the Democrats would find some way to bring a Whitewater-type issue to George Bush's desk, in revenge for the witch-hunt of Whitewater.
Both Whitewater and Enron are tragedies of criminal proportions. They deserve investigation -- but not by 10 congressional committees.
We are at war, facing a terrorist threat unlike anything we have ever known in our history. Drugs, the failure of our educational system and an economy that continues to produce Enron-type disasters are worthy of this attention. Enron, alone, is not.
I challenge you as an editorial staff to put the attention where it is needed, rather than falling in with the pack.
John Lindh has no right to call this nation 'home'
When I heard a news reporter say that John Walker Lindh was "coming home," it sickened me. Coming home? Home is where the heart is. To John Lindh, home is certainly not the United States.
I have been reading all the articles in The Vindicator and listening to the reports on television. The one and only conclusion I come up with is that John Walker Lindh is proud of what he has done and couldn't care less about all the innocent lives that were lost on Sept. 11 and the lives that are still being lost in the war against terrorism.
To say he is coming home is a slap in the face. I thank God every day for all the brave men and women who risk their lives for all of us. They don't know me from Adam, yet I am a part of that country that they are willing to fight and die for, a country that we love and call home.
I thank them for a job well done.
The right to life is most important right of all
Karen Hackenberry of Planned Parenthood in her column in The Vindicator on Jan. 22 cites three "rights:" the right of individuals to decide when and whether to become parents; the right to determine one's reproductive destiny; and the right to reproductive choice.
Conspicuously absent from her "rights" list is the "right" of voiceless, defenseless human babies created by participating parents to the basic and fundamental "right" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
North Lima
Three good reps better than one who's an outcast
In the current brouhaha over the breakup of the congressional district encompassing the Mahoning Valley, one would think that the community was being divided and moved to different parts of the universe. Our political leaders would have us think that the loss of a single representative in Washington will be the end of our closeness as a community. Have any of these morons heard of the phrase, "strength in numbers"? If these "leaders & quot; could actually cooperate, plan and work together for the region, they will have three representatives in Congress fighting for the pork this area so badly wants, not the one ineffective scandal-ridden outcast that currently represents us.
The people of this area remind me of the faithful wife with the cheating husband. No matter how often he is unfaithful, she always takes him back. The voters in this area need to send a message to both parties in Columbus and Washington that "D" and "R" after your name are meaningless. The only letters that mean anything are written on green paper and spell "In God We Trust."