LEETONIA Parents to get information about fourth-grade tests

The principal said 47 fourth-graders are at risk of not passing the reading portion of the test.
LEETONIA -- Even as they are praising teachers and pupils for improvements in fourth-grade proficiency test scores, school officials have been preparing for the next round of testing.
Elementary Principal Elizabeth Goerig said a meeting for parents of fourth grade pupils is to be at 6 p.m. today in the Orchard Hill Elementary library.
Goerig said fourth-grade teachers will provide parents with information about the various parts of the proficiency test and answer questions.
She said fourth-graders will be tested in areas of citizenship, math, science, reading and social studies, with one part given each day March 4, 6, 8, 11 and 13. The testing is being given on alternate days this year rather than consecutive days for a week, she noted.
Intervention program: Goerig said teachers began a reading intervention program last week, with 30 pupils attending 45-minute sessions either before or after school. Intervention for other areas is incorporated into learning during the day, she said.
Goerig said 47 pupils have been identified as at-risk in knowledge needed to pass the reading portion of the fourth-grade proficiency test.
The intervention, or remedial, sessions will continue through Feb. 28.
Goerig said three teachers in charge of the intervention sessions are paid a tutoring fee of $15 per session with funding from a state grant.