Farmers National declares dividend
CANFIELD -- Farmers National Banc Corp., the parent of Farmers National Bank, declared a quarterly dividend of 14 cents a share on its common stock. It is payable March 29 to shareholders of record on March 15.
Kids will decidenew ketchup color
PITTSBURGH -- With purple and green ketchup declared a success, H.J. Heinz Company in late April will roll out a limited supply of one million EZ Squirt bottles, each masking behind a rainbow label one of three new colors of ketchup.
People who buy the ketchup won't know, until they squirt it on a burger or fries, whether they got pink, orange or teal. Customer reaction -- that is, the response from the children it's intended to please -- will help decide which of the three becomes Heinz' new permanent hue.
"We're trying to listen to kids," said Kelly Stitt, senior brand manager for EZ Squirt at Heinz. "They love the element of surprise."
From Vindicator staff and wire reports