U Approved the hiring of a full-time police officer, Michael Thornburg of Beaver Township. Thornburg served almost two years as a part-time officer with the department. He is the department's third full-time officer.
U Approved the hiring of two part-time officers, James Jackson and Daniel Lamping, both of Struthers. Their hiring brings the department to 9 part-time officers.
U Established a salary for the working foreman of the engineer's department at 41,500 per year, repealing the previous salary of 45,232. The position has not been filled since Ron Carcelli resigned Jan. 7, but city officials expect to name a replacement soon.
U Announced a public meeting with representatives of Adelphia at 7 p.m. Feb. 25.
U Voters will be asked in the May 7 primary whether to allow the city to shop around for the lowest rate for electricity and natural gas. Aggregation would offer all residents a deal on one service while giving them the choice to "opt out" and go with an outside company.
U Terry Nicopolis, director of the city's environmental services, said trash collection will be on schedule next week despite the holiday Monday.
U Council passed a resolution to begin discussions with Warren Township trustees about the possible development of a Joint Economic Development District. A part of that would be the city's agreement to provide water and sewer lines to a new school complex in the LaBrae district, to house grades three to 12 behind Bascom Elementary. Voters in the school district approved a 5.4-mill bond issue, which will generate about $9 million, for the project, with a $20 million contribution from the state.
U Resolved upon recommendation of the treasurer that the board approve the acceptance of a Martha Holden Jennings Foundation grant for the 2002 school year for $1,625 to be used by Sandra Dillon to develop a fourth-grade intervention curriculum to help pupils reading one to 21/2 years below grade level.
U Approved a state program budget of $4,142 to be used for the Ohio SchoolNet Professional Development.
U Issued a reminder that parent-teacher conferences will be this month on the 14th and 15th.
U Announced that at the next work session, board members will go over quotes and bids for the Newton Falls football stadium.
U Resolved to participate in the America's Schools Program sponsored by the Ohio School Boards Association. The program generates additional funding for K-12 education programs through strategic partnerships with corporations across the country. The main objective of the program is to ensure that no corporate advertising will be displayed on school grounds. There is no cost to the school to participate.