If I Were PresidentIf I were president of this great land,
Everything would go as planned.
There wouldn't be any more terrible wars,
There would only be peace and harmony galore!
Prejudice, there wouldn't be,
Instead everyone would be free.
If I were president of this great land,
Everything would go as planned.
Sarah Beatty, Grade 4, Dobbins Elementary, Poland.Mr. Turtle I had a a friend
Who was different from you.
He lived where he wanted,
Even in my shoe.
He liked to eat bugs,
And little creatures in our rugs.
He wore a hard shell,
In case he fell.
If you are wondering his name
It's Mr. Turtle and crawling is his fame.
Kara Lynn Cooper, Grade 4, Youngstown Christian School.PrayI pray to God in the night, in the dark or in the light
Maybe in December, or maybe in November
I love to pray, so I pray everyday.
Darla Conti, Grade 4, Youngstown Christian School.X KIDS: Please don't write poems longer than 50 words. Be sure your teacher or a parent signs your entry so we know you thought it up yourself. We'll need that adult's address and phone number -- just for verification, not for publication. You must be 12 or under. Print your name, grade, school and address clearly on your poem. Send it to MiniPage Billboard, in care of The Vindicator.