XAmerican Slovak Cultural Association will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at St. Matthias School band room.
XEastern Ohio Pharmacists Association will meet at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at Lucianno's Restaurant, Austintown. Dr. Robert Algaier, psychiatrist, will present a program, "Depression: Insight on Neurotransmitters." Refreshments will be provided.
XMcDonald Baseball Association will meet at 6 p.m. Sunday in the senior citizens room at the post office building.
XOfficers of Eagles Auxiliary 213 of Youngstown will meet at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday and a general meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the club on South Avenue. Members are asked to donate items for a bake sale to be held from 4 to 8 p.m. Sept. 13.
XEagles Auxiliary 3298 will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Hostesses will be Rose Fabek and Marge Garritano. Items for the upcoming garage sale should be taken to the Forest Hill home of Andrea Spencer.
XFlora McDonald Auxiliary 58 will meet at 12:30 p.m. Thursday at Shanks Pavilion at Lake Milton Boat Club for lunch and business. Hostesses will be Madeline Shanks and Olive Maxwell.
XVFW 7538 Auxiliary will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Dorothy McLaughlin, 375 Maplewood Ave., Struthers. Dues of $13 are payable. For reservations call Eleanor Goskie at (330) 755-2051.
XGirard High School Band Boosters meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the high school cafeteria.
XFriends of Poland Library will meet at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at the library, 311 S. Main St. "How Can Determination Overcome Life's Obstacles" will be the theme of guest speaker Judy Shirilla. Hostesses will be Helen Sutherland, Diane Fodor, Carol McCoy and Barbara Sladewski. Plans will be made for the annual book sale to be held in October.
XItalamer Club will meet at noon Wednesday at Johnny's, 876 E. Midlothian Blvd. Hostesses will be Mary Kininski, Anne DeSantis and Jean DiCiccio.
XMahoning Valley Cribbage Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday and Sept. 19 at St. James Church, 7640 Glenwood Ave., Boardman. New players are welcome. For information call (330) 757-9503.
XPoland Center Homemakers will meet for a casserole luncheon at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Hostesses will be Jo Amendolea, Ruth Prater and Ellie Rigelsky. Members are asked to take craft ideas and projects to work on.
XTri-County Chapter of Medical Assistants will hold a dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Grandview Restaurant, Canfield. "Nutrition in Health" will be presented by Cyndee Perrino, clinical dietitian. Chapter and convention meetings will follow the program. Students and guests are welcome.
XVienna Fish and Game Club will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Conservation Club, Youngstown-Kingsville Road N.E.
XGirard K. of C. Council No. 2935 will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the K. of C. Hall. Sister Lucille Conley, director of the Emmanuel Care Center, will be guest speaker in the main hall at 8 p.m. All Knights, their wives and the auxiliary members are invited. Members are asked to take one nonperishable item. A luncheon will be served.
XMcDonald Knights of Columbus will meet at 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday at the K. of C. Hall, Illinois Avenue.
XSis Soller will present "Women in History" at a meeting of Canfield Republican Women to be held Wednesday at Diamond Back Golf Course in Ellsworth. A social hour will begin at 11:30 a.m. followed by lunch at noon. Shirley Pitzer will preside. Joyce Galieti will give the invocation. Guests are welcome, but reservations are necessary. For reservations, those with last names beginning with A-F are to call (330) 533-3559; G-P, (330) 533-7214; and Q-Z, (330) 702-1441.
XAltar and Rosary Society of St. Rose Church, Girard, will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the lower church hall. New members are welcome.
XHoly Name of Jesus Ladies Guild will meet at noon Tuesday in the church social hall with Sue Manijak as luncheon hostess. Plans will be completed for a sweet-roll sale.
XUnited Methodist Women of Richard Brown Memorial United Methodist Church will meet Thursday at the church with Eleanor Harris presiding. The executive committee will meet at 12:15 p.m., and there will be a meal served at 1 by Viola Sterner and her committee. A program will be given by those who attended the school of mission.
XGirard-Liberty Kiwanis will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Little Peppino's, 728 N. State St.
XGirard-Liberty Rotary will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the MetroPlex Centre in Liberty.
XVienna Kiwanis Club will hold a dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Vienna Presbyterian Church, Warren-Sharon Road, Vienna Center. The presidents' picnic will be held Sept. 8 at the home of Vic Spess, 3979 Smith-Stewart Road, Vienna.
XD.A.R.E. members will dance at Choices in Liberty at 7:30 p.m. Sunday; the cost is $4. Also planned is a walk from Dr. Shah's along the hike-bike trails in Boardman beginning at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and a new member meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Boardman Christian Church. For more information call (330) 652-8399, (330) 758-8605 or (330) 729-0127.
XSingle For Any Reason will hold a Labor Day picnic and steak fry Monday; call (330) 394-2872 for information. A steak fry also is planned for 6 p.m. Wednesday followed by a meeting at 8; for information call (330) 637-7542 or (330) 372-7124. A dance will be held from 7 to 11 p.m.. Sept. 8 at the Avalon Inn and Resort, Howland; the cost is $4; call (330) 637-7542 or (330) 394-2872. A card party is scheduled for Sept. 13, call (330) 898-3257 for details. The group will dine out at 6 p.m. Sept. 18 at Asian Gardnes; call (330) 372-7124 for details.
XSolo Parents and Singles will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday at Christ Church Presbyterian, 1933 Canfield Road. A speaker on hearing aids will present a program. A birthday dinner is scheduled for 6 p.m. Sept. 10 at Tabby's Restaurant, 1315 Canfield Road.
XFowler Township Historical Society will resume regular meetings at 7 p.m. Thursday at Fowler Community Center. A program on family lineages will be presented by Barbara Edwards. Members are asked to take documents or pictures relating to the program. Plans are being completed for an open house on Sept. 16 at the David and Melissa Butts Museum. For special tours call (330) 638-6646.
XGirard Historical Society will meet at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Girard Free Library.
XCo-Dependents Anonymous will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2985 Center Road, Poland. For more information call (330) 743-3768.
XMcDonald Chapter of TOPS will meet at 8:30 a.m.Wednesday in the senior citizens room at the post office building.
XTOPS 327 will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the annex at Christ Church Presbyterian, 3425 Hopkins Road. The first meeting is free. Guests are welcome. For information call (330) 757-9368.
XTOPS 1497, Austintown, will meet from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Thursday at Ohltown United Methodist Church, 2001 Ohltown Road. For information call (330) 792-5293 or (330) 793-7942.
XTOPS 2005, Niles, will meet Monday at Fairview United Methodist Church, 21 Fairview Ave., Niles. Weigh-in will be from 6 to 7 p.m. with the meeting at 7:15. For information call (330) 652-9098.
XVienna VFW Post 3521 will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Youngstown Air Reserve Station, King Graves Road, Vienna.

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