Several people recently appeared before Judge David D'Apolito in Mahoning County Court in Austintown and Judge Scott Hunter in county court in Canfield on various charges:
Christopher Anderson, 34, of South Main Street heard charges of aggravated murder and attempted aggravated rape. No plea was accepted because the charges are felonies. Anderson is accused of killing Amber Zurcher, 22, of 1031 Compass West on June 6. Anderson's next court hearing is set for Aug. 29.
Royal McConahy, 26, of Calvin Street, Youngstown, pleaded guilty to assault in the beating of David George, 26, of Woodglen Avenue, on June 24 in a Westchester Drive parking lot. D'Apolito sentenced McConahy to 90 days in jail, with 87 days suspended, 30 days of house arrest, one year's probation and $300 in fines and court costs. McConahy is prohibited from having contact with George.
Donna Trickett, 39, of Beard Street, Poland, pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of disorderly conduct for throwing a wooden wall decoration at a police officer Aug. 7 in the parking lot of Phoenix House on North Meridian Road. She is to pay $150 in fines and court costs.
Donna McCombs, 28, of Rhode Island Drive pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct for smashing her head into a township maintenance vehicle in a Woodhurst Drive parking lot, causing $200 worth of damage. Police asked McCombs to leave the parking lot and she smashed her head into the vehicle while she was being searched for weapons. She is to pay $150 in fines and court costs.
Angela Cascarelli, 34, of Matta Avenue, Youngstown, pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of misdemeanor receiving stolen property for pawning several pieces of jewelry reported stolen July 4 from a Canfield residence. D'Apolito sentenced her to 180 days in jail with 170 days suspended, as well as one year's probation. She was ordered to return the jewelry within 30 days of her release from jail. If she does not, she will have to serve the remainder of her sentence. Cascarelli is prohibited from working as a cleaning woman in homes of people older than 60 and from having contact with the woman who owns the jewelry. She is to pay $150 in fines and court costs.
Tyree Mitchell, 23, of Sherwood Avenue, Youngstown, pleaded innocent to improper handling of a firearm, possession of drug paraphernalia and drug abuse. Police said they stopped to talk to Mitchell about 2 a.m. July 31 after they found him sitting alone in a car at Kerrybrook Apartments on South Raccoon Road. Police say they found a handgun and suspected marijuana. His next hearing is set for Sept. 23.
Nicholas Volinchak, 18, of Herbert Road pleaded no contest and was found guilty of possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia. Police said they found two bags containing suspected marijuana in Volinchak's pocket when they pulled him over at about 11:21 a.m. June 14 on Hillside Drive. Volinchak was ordered to pay a total of $100 in fines and court costs and undergo a drug and alcohol assessment.
William Campbell, 18, of Village Boulevard pleaded innocent to carrying a concealed weapon. He is accused of approaching police with a knife in his pocket Aug. 1 on East Main Street. The handle of the knife looked like the handle of a gun. Campbell's next hearing is set for Nov. 15.
Darrell Moyer, 50, of East Philadelphia Avenue, Youngstown, pleaded innocent to possession of drug paraphernalia and two counts of carrying a concealed weapon. Police said Moyer had a switchblade, a suspected marijuana cigarette and a 15-inch sword disguised as a walking cane in his car when he was pulled over at about 10:30 p.m. Aug. 6 on Herbert Road.

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