Christine Davis, Todd Kadar plan October wedding

BOARDMAN -- Lawrence and Donna Davis of Boardman are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Christine Marie Davis of Poland, and Todd Eric Kadar, also of Poland.
Parents of the future groom are Timothy J. and Jo Anne Kadar of Elkton, Md., and Gloria Polisso of Boardman.
Miss Davis, a northeast customer service representative with Cantar Polyair Corp. in Youngstown, attended Youngstown State University.
Mr. Kadar holds a bachelor's degree from YSU and is a police officer in Columbiana. He serves in the U.S. Army Reserves at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
The couple will exchange nuptial vows during a 1:30 p.m. open ceremony they have planned for Oct. 5 at St. Dominic Church, Youngstown. Their evening reception will be held by invitation at the Oak Tree Country Club in West Middlesex, Pa.

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