State probes fire that destroyed Rte. 224 motel

BERLIN CENTER -- The state fire marshal's office is investigating a blaze that destroyed a one-story, nine-room motel here.
Some 50 firefighters from 10 fire departments fought the blaze, which was reported at 8:16 a.m. Monday at the Lake View Motel, 17690 U.S. Route 224. Berlin Township Fire Chief Rick Peppel estimated the damage at $270,000. No figure was available for the contents.
Peppel said it took firefighters three hours to bring the blaze under control, partly because the motel had an asphalt roof, and asphalt burns for a long time. There were no injuries.
Eight of the rooms were occupied, Peppel said. One occupant was present when the fire broke out, smelled smoke and ascertained that nobody else was on the premises.
Motel owner Dennis Page, who lives next door, called 911 to report the fire. His residence was not damaged.
Peppel said he was first on the scene and the entire motel was burning when he arrived. The fire originated in an occupied room in the middle of the motel, he said.
Besides the Berlin Township Fire Department, firefighters came from the Ellsworth, Milton, Jackson and Green township fire departments, and from Damascus, Beloit, Deerfield, Craig Beach and Canfield.