Postmaster puts her stamp on literacy program

YOUNGSTOWN -- Postmaster Patricia E. Davis has embarked on a literacy campaign in the Youngstown area.
"My mother was an educator and always treasured books," she said. "I believe books are a treasure, a tangible experience whereby the reader can exercise personal interpretations. Not being able to read is one of the greatest tragedies."
Through multiple donations of books to various community agencies and schools, she has helped to promote literacy by providing the essential tools for reading.
Since December of 2001, donations of books have been given to Youngstown city schools, community nursing homes and assisted living facilities, hospitals, health clinics and child care facilities.
More than 63 separate donations totaling hundreds of books have been make.
The postmaster also supports a literacy-training program, Project Opportunity.
Davis donated books to the students participating in the Ohio Youth Journalism Institute's Literacy and Art Contest.