What to do
Here are a few to-dos to get you started on your own spring-cleaning checklist:
UDust and vacuum all corners and crevices, starting from the top of the room and working your way down.
UWash woodwork, walls and ceilings.
URemove and wash drapes or blinds.
UWash all windows, inside and out.
UVacuum lampshades and furniture.
UPolish and dust wooden furniture and knickknacks.
UVacuum and shampoo carpet.
UMop wooden floors.
UTake houseplants outside for a gentle washing with the garden hose to remove dust from leaves.
URemove and wash curtains or blinds.
UWash windows, inside and out.
UWash walls, woodwork and ceilings.
UStrip bed linens and wash.
UVacuum mattress box spring and flip and rotate the mattress before putting on new sheets.
UVacuum under the bed.
UPolish and dust wooden furniture and knickknacks.
UVacuum lampshades.
UClean mirrors.
USpray the oven with cleaner the night before you plan to spring-clean the kitchen. This makes it easier to sponge off the mess.
UWash walls, woodwork and ceiling.
UWash tops, insides and outsides of cupboards. Discard old food items.
UWash windows, inside and out.
UWipe out the microwave. Let cleaner soak in for a few minutes to make the job easier.
UVacuum stove vents and refrigerator coils.
UDefrost freezer and toss out old food items.
URemove food from fridge and wipe it clean.
UWash out the trash can and spray it with a disinfectant before dropping in a new bag.
UClean counters and the tops and fronts of appliances with an all-purpose glass cleaner.
UMop the floor.
UScrub shower and tub with a disinfecting cleaning agent.
UScrub base, back and bowl of toilet.
UWipe down the bathroom scale.
UClean mirrors and light fixtures.
URemove cover from exhaust fan and vacuum out dust buildup.
UWash out waste can with a disinfectant.
UVacuum everything to remove dust and hair.
UScrub the floor by hand with a strong cleanser.
UTake stock of cleaning supplies before the day you will be cleaning. There's nothing worse than getting up the gumption to tackle a project and discovering you are out of the desired cleaner.
Sources: The Mission Impossible Cleaning Team, Molly Maid of Mahoning and Trumbull County and