COLUMBIANA CORNER Expressions of sorrow from Hungarians

Salem City Councilwoman Alma Apicella, R-at large, said recently she was in Hungary when the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks occurred and was touched by how Hungarians responded to the tragedy.
"They immediately flew black flags in honor of the United States," Apicella related.
When Hungarians realized she was an American, they earnestly expressed their sorrow.
"It was a wonderful feeling to realize these people cared for us," Apicella said.
Squashing a record? Dave Parks of Parks Garden Center in Canfield said there could be several pumpkins at the Oct. 6 great pumpkin weigh-off to challenge the current record holder, Dave Steltz of Leetonia. Steltz's massive squash weighed in at 1,140 pounds.
Parks said excitement is building as growers from several states are alerting him to the possible record-smashing pumpkins in their fields.
"Word travels fast along the pumpkin vine," Parks quipped.
XCONTRIBUTORS: Norman Leigh and Nancy Tullis of the Vindicator Salem Bureau.