REACTION Metropolitan equity

A sampling of comments from public officials to the idea of metropolitan equity:
Harold Davis, Yurchyk and Davis certified public accountants, Canfield: "A leader needs to emerge from all the talk. I hope someone will step up."Dan Mamula, Struthers mayor: "Struthers was the thriving suburb in the 1950s and '60s. Today's suburbs face similar changes. Metro equity can't be denied as a way to prevent more deterioration and foster comebacks. It can be accomplished without anybody losing political power."William Binning, governor's local representative and Youngstown State University political science professor: "You can't ask politicians to sell the idea to the community until the community demonstrates that it understands the problem. Education is needed on issues of sprawl and inequity."Ron White, D-4th, Warren councilman: "The idea must be sold to the community before moving ahead."Tim Ryan of Niles, D-32nd, state senator: "Attitudes need to change. The potential for this is great. Let's be progressive."James Hall, superintendent, South Range schools: "Politicians need to spend more time talking together. This process works."Ed Reese, Mahoning County commissioner: "Redistributing the recent half-cent sales tax is a start. It's the first stop toward what we hope is many more."