Miss Kovalchik to be bride of David Rischar

AUSTINTOWN -- The engagement of Kathi Kovalchik, 4531 Deopham Green Drive, and David Rischar, 56 Kroeck Ave., is announced by their parents.
The bride-elect is a daughter of Thomas and Barbara Kovalchik of the Deopham Green Drive address, and the future groom is a son of Jacob and Rosemary Rischar, 6472 St. Andrews Drive, Canfield.
Miss Kovalchik works in human resources at Casal's d & eacute; Spa and Salon in Canfield.
Mr. Rischar is a die maker at General Motors Corp. in Lordstown.
St. Joseph Church will be the setting for the couple's wedding planned for 2 p.m. Oct. 27. An evening reception is scheduled at McMenamy's in Niles. Invitations will be extended for both events.