COLUMBIANA CORNER County beefs up security at courthouse
One reaction to last week's terrorist attacks was stepped up security at the Columbiana County courthouse in Lisbon.
Usually, the building has two entrances open to the public.
As a security measure, one of those entrances, located off an alley, has been closed.
That means visitors and officials must go in through the courthouse's main entrance, which sometimes is staffed with a sheriff's deputy.
Commissioner Dave Cranmer said he's had many people tell him, in light of the horror in Washington, D.C., and New York, that they like the idea.
Photo contest winners: Columbiana Chamber of Commerce has announced the winners of its annual photo contest winners in five categories.
Open: Lana Van Auker, first; Rebecca Miller, second; William Caldwell, third.
Animals: John Friedman, first; Jodi Bussard, second; Lana Van Auker, third.
People: Cathie Raubcarney, first; Jim Weikart, second.
Children: Sarah Caldwell, first; Anthony J. Leone, second; Corinne Brothers, third.
People's choice: Kurt Jennings.
XContributors: Norm Leigh and Nancy Tullis, Vindicator Salem Bureau.