Blue ribbons are awarded at flower show
YOUNGSTOWN -- Entries in design and horticulture received blue ribbons in the Garden Forum flower show held Sept. 8 and 9 at the D.D. and Velma Davis Education and Visitor Center at Mill Creek Park.
Blue ribbons in artistic design went to Pearl Marlos, Silver Leaf, and Regina Webb, Salem Garden Club, who also received the Gold Seal in this category.
Horticulture blue ribbon winners were Dorothy Haddox, Our Lady of Fatima; Marlene Menold, member-at-large; Pearl Marlos, Silver Leaf; Sheila Bowman, Salem; Martha Murphy, St. Edward; Irene John, Austintown Garden Club; Barbara Estok and Stephanie Sheely, both of Lowellville Garden Club; Ann Kwiecien, member-at-large; Aimee Lynch, public entry; and Rodney Toth, Larry Whetson and Richard Smith, all of the Men's Garden Club. Gold Seals in horticulture were awarded to Rodney Toth, Ann Kwiecien and Pearl Marlos.
Show chairmen were Dorothy Haddox and Martha Murphy.
Judges were Dorothy Haddox, Sheila Bowman, Betsy Meyer, Evelyn Resek, Regina Webb and Margaret Mary Walsh.