TODAY -- The 11th annual Dick Borowicz Memorial Scholarship Scramble at Borland Golf Center in New Wilmington, Pa., with a 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. For information, call (724) 946-2371.
WEDNESDAY -- Big Brothers and Sisters of Mahoning Valley Golf for Kids' Sake scramble at Walnut Run Golf Course in Cortland. 10 a.m. shotgun start. Call (330) 545-0002.22 -- Columbiana County Charity Classics at Beaver Creek Meadows Golf Course. (Fourth and final event in Classics). Call (330) 223-1773.
23 -- Bristol Athletic Department golf outing at Riverview Golf Course, 10 a.m. starting time. For information, contact Debbie Rowles at (330) 889-3223.
28 -- CD 93.3 Scramble at Pine Lakes Golf Course in Hubbard.
29 -- Crossing Paths TV Ministry of Hermitage second annual outing at Tanglewood Golf Course in Pulaski, Pa. For information, call (724) 981-7777.
29 -- West Branch Boosters Club's Coblentz-Stauffer Golf Classic scramble at Flying B Golf Course. Double shotgun start at 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. For more information, call Holly at Flying B at (330) 337-8138,
30 -- Harvest Amateur 3-person scramble at Tamer Win Golf Course in Cortland. Shotgun start at 9 a.m. Entry fee is $144 per team and with a full field $3,600 in prizes will be awarded. Call the course for more information at (330) 637-2881.
13-14 -- Two-Day Scramble at Pine Lakes Golf Course in Hubbard. Call Dave Boos at (330) 534-9026.