Parish picnic canceled

Parish picnic canceled
YOUNGSTOWN -- The parish picnic for St. Patrick Church, Oak Hill Avenue, scheduled for Sunday, has been canceled as a show of respect for the victims of Tuesday's terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. The regular Mass schedule for Sunday is unchanged.
Scrap metal drive
BOARDMAN -- Township recycling will sponsor a scrap metal recycling drive from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sept. 22 behind the Shields Road and Lockwood Boulevard Fire Station.
Scrap metal items such as washers, dryers, hot water tanks, some car parts, power tools and lawn chairs among other things will be accepted. No freon appliances will be taken. Donors must be able to unload all material.
Sacred Heart meals
YOUNGSTOWN -- The Sacred Heart Church hot meal program is from 4 to 5 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays, beginning Monday, at the church, 400 Lincoln Park Drive. All are welcome.
Shell extends deadline
AUSTINTOWN -- The deadline for Austintown residents to sign up for the "natural gas savings plan" offered by Shell Energy has been extended to Sept. 28.
The original deadline was Tuesday. The plan offers local residents a fixed rate on natural gas for a year.
To sign up for the program, call (877) 557-4355, or log on to