How do I explain to my children that terrorism descended on America, that evil took over the skies, that Hell visited once safe territories, that a horrific force inhabited our country and that chaos reigned for one day?
How do I explain to my children who saw the images on the screen? What do you say to a three-year-old who cries when his carefully constructed block tower crashes down? Or to a 19-month old who cries when his toy plane drops from the table? & quot;Yes honey, this happened for real? & quot;
How do I put into words that & quot;Uncle Chip and Aunt Lisa & quot; got out of their offices in time, but other mommies and daddies weren't so lucky?
Maybe, instead, I tell them about the good people who lost their lives and the good people who are trying to help a nation that mourns for, in grieving, we heal; and that there are heroes who walk among us, that they are sacrificing their own safety to help others, that they are sifting through the broken pieces, searching for answers.
Maybe I tell them that somehow, some way, because of these great people helping each other, this love for mankind we're feeling will triumph in the end.