Number of injured down

Number of injured down
The number of fairgoers treated for minor injuries and illnesses during the 155th Canfield Fair was down significantly compared to last year, said to Alan Scannell, communications coordinator for the Red Cross.
By Sunday night, 458 fairgoers had been treated by Red Cross and Rural Metro Ambulance personnel; this compared to 568 by the same time last year.
Most of the cases involved bee stings and minor bumps and scrapes, he said, although 21 fairgoers were transported to the hospital. Those cases involved chest pains, shortness of breath and an allergic reaction to a bee sting.
Paramedics respond
A new service this year, Rural Metro paramedics and emergency medical technicians on bicycles, responded to 23 calls on the fairgrounds by Sunday night, added Pat Hughes, coordinator of the bike team. Most calls pertained to bee stings, shortness of breath, chest pains and light-headedness.
Response times ranged from one to nine minutes, he said, and averaged about two minutes.
Vindicator fair staff