State seeks input on French Creek action

MEADVILLE, Pa. -- The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection is setting watershed environmental priorities for French Creek and wants to hear what the public had to say.
The agency will have a public informational meeting on the issue at 7 p.m. Nov. 13 at its Northwest Regional Office, 230 Chestnut St.
The French Creek watershed includes a portion of northeastern Mercer County as well as northwestern Venango County, central Crawford County and southern Erie County.
"We've spent the last several months establishing baseline environmental conditions for the French Creek watershed, determining the causes of environmental problems and how the should be addressed," said James Rozakis, acting director of the Northwest Region.
"Now, we need help from citizens and organizations in the watershed to set our priorities," he said.
The process determines what DEP will do and how budget dollars should be spent.
"Our resources will be assigned to address top priorities, and we'll also look to the community work as our partner in protecting and restoring our environment," Rozakis said.