DIVISION 21 State officer installs 12 club presidents

CANFIELD -- Tom Crawford of Toledo, Ohio Kiwanis governor, made an official visit to the Oct. 13 dinner and meeting of Division 21, Ohio District, Kiwanis International, at the Colonial Catering.
During the business meeting he presented Akorn Awards to 31 area local Kiwanians in recognition of their leadership efforts and conducted the installation for the following presidents of the 12 Division 21 clubs: Michael Kurish, Austintown; Mark Luke, Boardman; Joe Schmalstieg, East Liverpool; Jon Rettig, East Palestine; Al Guglielm, Eastside; Victor Pacek, Mill Creek; Wayne Mollineaux, Poland; Tom Schloss, Stuebenville; Jim Orsini, Toronto; Robert Fish, Uptown; Robert Guyan, Western Mahoning County; Edward Gluck, Youngstown.
Other business: Wally Sinn of the Western Mahoning County Club, recently installed as Ohio Kiwanis lieutenant governor, conducted the business session and presented certificates of election to the presidents, division officers and chairmen. He also awarded a plaque and pin to George Yates, immediate past lieutenant governor, for his leadership in the past year. Yates presented certificates of recognition to division officers and chairmen.
Crawford was accompanied by his wife, Mary Lou, and their son, Tommy, who also participated in the program.