Compost contest
Compost contest
CANFIELD -- Proud of your compost? Show it off at a contest from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday at Mill Creek Park Experimental Farm, state Route 46. Participants should bring a small sample of their compost, which will be judged on smell, color and chemical composition. Prizes will be awarded to those with top compost. The contest is presented by the USDA-funded Rural Recycling Education and Awareness Program. The schedule is:
U 1:30 p.m.: Registration.
U 2 p.m.: Speaker Sassy Pickard, "Put Your Compost to Bed: Composting in the Winter."
U 2:30 p.m.: Performance of a skit.
U 2:45 p.m.: Pumpkin decorating.
U 3 p.m.: Wagon tour of farm.
U 4 p.m.: Announce contest winners
Call (330) 740-2060 for information.