SHARON Grant application Sharon is applying for $842,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant funds to help finance a variety of public improvements and services in 2002. City council had a

$243,915 for public facilities and improvements. That includes street and alley paving, $100,000 for a firetruck and $33,000 to help renovate and expand a senior citizen center.$257,500 for housing rehabilitation. That includes construction of two houses to be sold to low- or moderate-income families. $90,000 in income from repayment of previous rehabilitation loans will be added to this category.$109,510 for public services. That includes financial support for a variety of social service agencies for things such as housing counseling, food to the needy, crime prevention, free public transportation for senior citizens and educational programs.$10,000 for clearance of abandoned and dilapidated structures.$34,675 for code enforcement costs targeting code compliance in low- and moderate-income areas.$186,400 for general administrative expenses.