XA meeting of the 55-Plus Club of Liberty will be held at 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Little Peppino's Banquet Room, State Street, Girard. Hostesses will be Gloria Latessa, Margaret Decchione and Mary Colaprete. Cards will be played.
XThe 55-Plus Club of Mineral Ridge will meet at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. Mary Church. After the meeting and card games, members will go out to eat.
AARP 2206
XThe executive board of Chapter 2206, AARP, will meet at 12:45 p.m. Tuesday at Good Hope Lutheran Church. A general meeting will begin at 1:30 with Kay Rouan presiding. The guest speaker will be a representative of the Better Business Bureau. Members are asked to take items for a trash and treasure sale, and those whose last names begin with G-L are to take cookies. Dues may be paid.
AARP 2520
XPoland Chapter 2520, AARP, will meet at 1 p.m. Monday in Room 105 of Poland United Methodist Church. Officers will meet at 12:30 p.m. in Room 106. Speaker will be Andy Douglas from Medicare. Members are reminded to take at least one item for the Food Pantry.
Members should contact Rita Almasy or Dorothy Pavliga to report illness among members. For information call (330) 757-1980.
AARP 4611
XA meeting of Youngstown Chapter 4611, AARP, will be held at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at St. Augustine Church on Parmalee Avenue, Youngstown. The guest speaker will be Deana Clifford, community relations coordinator of District 11 Agency on Aging.
Members are reminded to take school supplies to Phillips Memorial Baptist Church on Oct. 21. A Thanksgiving dinner is planned for noon Nov. 14; members are to take a covered dish.
XAFSCME Retirees of Subchapter 118 will meet at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday at 150 Four Mile Run Road.
XBrownlee Woods Seniors will meet from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday at Faith Community United Church of Christ, Midlothian Boulevard, for crafts and cards.
XCampbell Senior Citizens' board meeting will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Tandy Complex.
XCampbell Memorial High School January and June Classes of 1947 will meet for breakfast at 9 a.m. Wednesday at Country Kitchen in Boardman.
XCoitsville Seniors will meet for a casserole luncheon at 1 p.m. Thursday at the town hall.
XThe Croatian Pensioners of the Mahoning Valley will meet at noon Thursday at the Croatian Home, 3200 Vestal Road, Youngstown. The speaker will be Harold Bailey, & quot;The Trapper. & quot; Changes to the bylaws must be presented in writing at this meeting. All officers and trustees are to attend a board meeting at 10:30 a.m.
XGolden Echoes of St. Matthias Church will have a luncheon and meeting at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Father Snock Center. There also will be a program by the Great Harvest Bread Co. Reservations are due today by calling Joan Skrzynski, (330) 788-7305, or Ann Varso, (330) 782-6778.
XHappy Wanderers will meet at noon Friday at Corner House Christian Church. Those whose last names begin with A-L are asked to take a dozen cookies. Elizabeth Boozer will present a talk and slides on Australia. On the hospitality committee will be Virginia Coonce, Charlotte Gratz, Pat and Dick Osberg, and Doris Evans. Greeters will be Dorothy Bombeck, Kay Ludwick, and Carl and Joyce Hillier.
Reservations are being taken for the annual holiday dinner to be held at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 16. The group will depart from the church at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 24 to attend a performance of "Singin' in the Rain" at Carousel Dinner Theatre. A tour of "Two Great Holiday Festivals of Lights" is planned for 9:30 a.m. Dec. 4. For information and reservations call (330) 534-2759.
XHoly Family Seniors will meet at 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Poland. There will be a 50/50 drawing, cards and bingo. Refreshments will be served, and hostess will be Ida E. Miller. Canned goods and paper products will be collected for the Poland Food Pantry.
Report illness or death among members to Mrs. Miller at (330) 965-8489.
XThe Hungarian Churches Senior Citizens will meet for lunch at noon Thursday at Calvin Center. Margaret Dubos will preside for the business session. Members are reminded to take two items for a Chinese auction. For reservations call Barbara Balla, (330) 799-2582; Mary Burcsak, (330) 755-6610; or Barbara Kolosi, (330) 799-2131.
XA Day of Recollection will be held Thursday by Immaculate Heart of Mary Seniors. Members will attend noon Mass, and a catered lunch will be served at 1 p.m. at the school social hall. Reservations are to be made with Anna Mae Hlevak, (330) 799-9425, or Helen Venglarik, (330) 799-8289. There will be a 50/50 drawing and the celebration of birthdays and anniversaries.
XThe Keenagers of Third Baptist Church will meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the church to plan next year's calendar of activities.
XLocal 627 Retirees will meet at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Denny's on Belmont Avenue. There will be an open discussion about prescription medications.
LOCAL 2243
XRetirees of Local 2243, USWA, S.O.A.R. Chapter 1-28-10, will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the union hall, 3779 Mahoning Ave., Warren.
XBridge, 500, chess, checkers and shuffleboard will be played when Martha Lupse 50-Plus Card and Game Club meets from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Room 106 at Poland United Methodist Church. Florence Rearick will lead devotions. Members are reminded to take a sack lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided. No affiliation with the church is required for participation. For information call (330) 757-1980.
XMcDonald Seniors will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Woodland Park United Methodist Church fellowship hall for a United Nations smorgasbord. Members are asked to take a covered dish. Costumes are optional.
XNew Bethel Baptist Church Seniors will meet at 1 p.m. Saturday at the church. All senior members are welcome.
XNorth Jackson Keenagers will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday at St. James Church social hall, North Jackson. Hostesses for the casserole luncheon will be Minnie Trautman, Carolyn Steiner and Phyllis Hykes.
XOBES Retirees will meet Wednesday at Old Country Buffet in Boardman. The meeting will begin at 11:45 a.m. with lunch to follow. No formal program is scheduled. All OBES retirees are welcome to attend. Report illness among members to (330) 783-1360.
REAC 3298
XLee Laret will preside at a luncheon meeting to be held by REAC 3298 at 1 p.m. Monday at 1655 S. Raccoon Road. The speaker will be a representative of the Ohio Consumer's Council. Hostesses will be Pauline Van Kell, Peg and Bob Moherman, and Nancy Vodino. Birthdays and anniversaries will be observed, and cards and bingo will be the diversion.
XRoyal Seniors are reminded that reservations for the 11 a.m. Nov. 5 meeting at St. Nicholas Center on Shady Run Road are due by Oct. 29 and can be made by sending a check for $5.50 to Lena Alfona, 2033 Lynn Ave., Youngstown, Ohio 44514. John Alfona will preside, and tickets for the Dec. 17 Christmas party will be available for $7, which will be collected at the meeting. No tickets will be sold after Nov. 5, and those members in good standing will receive a full refund at the party. Canned goods will be collected for the Thanksgiving basket for the needy.
Seats are available for the Oct. 25 trip to Greektown Casino in Detroit. Cost is $22 with a $20 coin rebate. For more information call (330) 788-0782.
XSt. Dominic Seniors will meet at noon Tuesday at St. Nicholas Church hall, Shady Run Road. Dues should be paid.
SOAR 1-27-2 AND 1-27-6
XSOAR Chapter 1-27-2 and 1-27-6 will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Sam Camens Center. All LTV and USX retirees are welcome to join. There will be time to sign up for the Christmas dinner to be held Dec. 6. Members are urged to attend. Pizza and refreshments will be served after the meeting.
XWest of Fifties will meet from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday at Martin Luther Lutheran Church, 420 Clearmont Drive, Youngstown. The theme will be "Western Roundup." There will be entertainment, lunch, games and fellowship. For information call (330) 782-7272.
XXYZ Club of Calvary Baptist Church will meet at noon Friday in the church fellowship hall. Those attending are to take a sandwich. Coffee, tea and dessert will be furnished. Guest speaker will be Diane Makar Murphy, columnist at The Vindicator.
XUpcoming activities for senior citizens organizations are published Sundays. Please submit information to the Society Department by noon Thursday.