MAHONING VALLEY Kitchenware company effort contributes to Second Harvest

YOUNGSTOWN -- Second Harvest Foodbank of the Mahoning Valley is participating in the 11th annual Round-Up From the Heart, a national hunger campaign sponsored by kitchenware vendor The Pampered Chef.
The campaign is a team effort among The Pampered Chef's customers, its independent sales representatives, and America's Second Harvest, the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States.
Individuals participate when they attend kitchen shows in the Mahoning Valley between Sept. 1 and Feb. 28, 2002, by rounding up their purchase totals to the nearest dollar or more. These funds are then sent to Second Harvest Foodbank in Youngstown.
"This program has generated local donations of more than $12,000 in the past 10 years that has helped Second Harvest Foodbank feed our hungry friends and neighbors in Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana counties," said Phyllis Echement, the local Pampered Chef coordinator.
"The Pampered Chef's Round-Up From the Heart campaign targets the growing hunger crisis in America," said Doris Christopher, founder and chairwoman of The Pampered Chef. "By supporting local food banks, we work toward our goal of setting a place at the table for everyone."
For more information, contact Echement at (330) 965-0811.