Creekside Golf Dome -- in Girard is where Becdir Construction will run an indoor baseball league for ages 14-17 in November and December. Space is limited to 60 players. Call (330) 755-5676 or (330) 792-0156.
Stevens Park Youth Cabin -- is where Niles Youth Baseball League will take officer nominations Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Elections will be held there Oct. 21 at 6:30 p.m.
Prospect Baseball Camp -- will take place at Cafaro Field on Oct. 14. The event is open to high school students, age 15-18. The camp begins at 8 a.m. and will run until 6 p.m. There is a limit of 60 players. Some of the issues to be covered are compliance, financial aid, scouting and weightlifting. For information call (330) 799-8733 or (330) 270-5684.
The Baseball School -- is offering individual and semi-individual instructions on Monday evenings from Nov. 5 until Dec. 10 from 6-7 p.m. or 7-8 p.m. Call (330) 793-5605.
Brookfield Little League -- will meet at the Masury VFW on Standard Avenue Sunday at 7 p.m.
Boardman Community Baseball -- will meet Oct. 23 at the BCB Administration Building at 8 p.m. Election of board members and officers will be on the agenda.
A Youngstown Class B team -- is accepting applications for manager and coaching positions. Interested persons should call Greg Krieger at (330) 565-3114 or 726-0282.
Raging Thunder -- is seeking players for its 14-younger team. Anyone interested should call (330) 326-3434.
Valley Sports, Ltd. -- is now registering individuals and teams for the first indoor session which will begin next month. For details call (330) 755-1661.
4-on-4 indoor league -- will be played in the winter months at Valley Sports, Ltd. in Struthers. For details call Frank Catone at (330) 755-1661.
AUstintown Fitch High -- tickets for the Falcons' football game Friday against Wilson will be sold at the south circle ticket window Thursday from 6-7:30 p.m.
St. Dominic's (Tanglewood) -- Sleepy Hollow Sleep Shop defeated Transit Tours to win the league championship. The champs included Kevin Benedict, Vince Fusco, Bob Berry, Carl Tesner, Ron Harvischak and Carl Stillwagon.