TRUMBULL COUNTY Commissioners earmark funds for sewer project
The Shannon Road project is now a top priority for the planning commission.
WARREN -- The Trumbull County commissioners have earmarked $300,000 toward building sewers in Liberty meant to alleviate the contamination of a creek that feeds into a pond in Girard's Tod Memorial Park.
Bringing sewers to the 230 homes on Shannon Road and the side streets, which are the source of the problem, will cost about $3 million, said Alan Knapp, assistant director of the county planning commission.
Funding: Money the commissioners dedicated to the project Wednesday will come from the $500,000 the county gets from the state each year for projects in low- and moderate-income areas, he said.
The planning commission will also apply for a $600,000 competitive grant and the sanitary engineer is applying for $650,000 in state funds, Knapp said.
This project has been made the county's top priority since funding was put in place for sewer projects in the Hilltop area of Weathersfield Township and for 218 homes in the Meadowbrook area of Warren Township, he said.
The next sewer project on the planning commission's to-do list had been for the West Hill area of Brookfield, near the Pennsylvania line.
Knapp said the shift in priorities may set the West Hill project back by one year.