Federal jurisdiction could improve airport security

Federal jurisdiction could improve airport security
A recent writer is not wrong to be skeptical of claims that federalized airport security workers will be more efficient than the current private security firms. But I worked for the "top security firm in America" that the letter writer suggests as an alternative to federalization. Here's what I found:
UPerhaps 80 percent of training records were falsified outright or otherwise grossly overstated the capabilities of the staff;
UPay was so low that few dared subsist on it without help from family or spouses; morale was very poor; annual turnover was 100 percent and more; supervisors on my shift averaged 14 weeks before promotion, transfer, discharge, quitting, or demotion;
UThe overall work atmosphere that our morbidly inept management nurtured made the job a viper's den of pathological lying, petty intrigues, sexual corruption and alcoholism.
Will federales at the nation's airports be an improvement over the current patchwork of poorly paid, poorly trained, and poorly treated security personnel? That's too soon to say. But with the better pay, greater prestige and security of government employment and sorely needed medical and other benefits, the federal government will have strong tools to weed out the ruinous nincompoops and policeman wannabees who thrive in private sector security.
A community is judged by school system it keeps
It is difficult to believe that the citizens of Austintown would vote down a bond issue to replace our 90-year-old decrepit building on Mahoning Avenue that we have the audacity to call a middle school.
As I visit neighboring communities and see their modern up-to-date school buildings, it is difficult to understand why some citizens would want our children to attend school in a building that is antiquated, dysfunctional and unsafe.
Last year Youngstown overwhelmingly passed a bond issue to remodel some buildings and build new ones. I am sure that the average family income in Youngstown is less than in Austintown, but they evidently have more pride in their community and school children than we do.
I know that our restaurants, bars, stores, plazas, banks and auto dealerships are well supported. How about a little support for our school system?
The growth, viability, and property values of a community are judged in large part by its school system. The few dollars saved on the defeat of a school levy could well be overshadowed by depreciated property values.
Incidentally, I am retired and have no children in school.
Nursing home residents need visits, cheer all year
I am writing in response to the letter titled "Nursing home residents deserve humane care."
I have been a nurse in nursing homes for 15 years, and I am not aware of any resident being treated inhumanely.
I am sure everyone is aware of the current nursing shortage. My co-workers and I have only two hands each and eight hours a day to take care of many residents and their needs. Also, the residents of today have more serious medical conditions than those of the past.
At present, there is no easy solution, but I have a suggestion: Volunteer. Give one day a week for a few hours just to sit and talk or read with our residents.
Bring children or pets -- the residents' faces light up at the sight of both.
Churches do much for nursing homes at Christmas. They bring families for caroling and distributing presents. But please remember that these residents are there 12 months a year -- not just in December.