Hitting Lessons -- Steve Krivonak is conducting his winter indoor program with live batting practice for boys and girls. Small groups for individual attention. Call 533-7544.
The Baseball School -- is taking registration for players age 8-14 for its Winter Instructional camp that starts Feb. 17. For details call (330) 793-5605.
Indoor 4-on-4 league -- will be played at Valley Sports, Ltd. in the winter months. For details, call Frank Catone at (330) 755-1661.
Mohammad Fard Soccer Institute -- now enrolling youth for the twice-weekly, 90-minute intensive training clinics which will be held at Valley Sports. Classes are for youth of all ages and abilities. Call (330) 509-2005.
Coed Adult Soccer League -- is being organized at Valley Sports. Call (330) 755-1661.
Adult Coed League -- will play on Thursday nights at Valley Sports in Struthers at 9 p.m. Individuals invited. Call (330) 755-1661.